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Financial Underdogs

Aug 26, 2021

Why were Americans in Afghanistan? Was it to fight terrorists or was it for something bigger and nefarious? 

It was for one purpose money.

The war was for minerals that China now has a direct ability to tap into as they share a border with Afghanistan.

More today on what to do with misinformation being pushed by...

Aug 19, 2021

How do you know when something is too good to be true? 

Investments or Wellness, it's always a question you have to ask yourself and watch yourself when your initial reaction to some new info or opportunity is: It's Too Good to be true.

Is it or are you just not seeing it because you're skeptical and afraid of making a...

Aug 12, 2021

Senator Dick Richard Shelby pulled the ultimate move to crush Crypto this week to give more bacon to the military. What an absolute idiot! More on this today and what we need to do to protect our wealth.

Aug 6, 2021

From Roadhouse 1989 - the key to life.

Be nice - until it's time to NOT be nice.

Case studies with clients and the IRS

Aug 1, 2021

The Price of Tomorrow is the price you pay for your future.

Kill your limiting beliefs by normalizing your stretch vision - surrounding yourself with people and their normal, which is your stretched self.

Spent a couple days in a mastermind with my friend and mentor Jay Geier doing this and then came back with a vision...